Bid Opportunities

Current Bid Opportunities

Below you will find links to Invitations for Bids (IFBs) and Requests for Proposals (RFPs) recently issued by Erie County Medical Center Corporation. The information provided on this page intended to help vendors, suppliers, contractors and consultants identify solicitations on which they would like to bid or submit proposals. This information is not a substitute for the ECMCC Procurement Guidelines.

Check this page often to see current bid opportunities.

For more information, contact:
Purchasing Department
(716) 898-3250
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ECMCC Standard Clauses


    Erie County Medical Center Corporation (“ECMCC”), is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to provide reference laboratory services for the ECMCC Outpatient Behavioral Health and Substance Use Treatment Services (SUTS). The RFP documents can now be downloaded by visiting ECMCC’s Procurement Portal at

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