ECMC Corporation COVID-19 Update – April 22nd
BUFFALO, N.Y – Erie County Medical Center Corporation today provided an update on COVID-19 actions taking place on its health campus.
ECMC issued Universal Masking Guidance for all staff on Sunday, March 29, 2020. ECMC’s Materials Management Department has worked tirelessly to procure PPE for front-line caregivers and have secured various items, including:
On April 14th , ECMC announced that any member of our staff in the hospital may have an N95 mask if they want one. But staff were reminded that we are trying to conserve N95s for clinical staff who are working in direct contact with either patients with COVID-19 symptoms or patients who are COVID-19 positive.
Current stock: 185-day supply with two outstanding orders totaling 25,000 N95 masks.
Procedure/Surgery Masks
Current stock: 87 day supply with outstanding order totaling 40,000 procedure masks.
As a Level 1 Adult Trauma Center, we continually assess our PPE inventory to be prepared to care for our patients, protect our staff and are following our established pandemic plan.
ECMC Surge Plan
As required by the NYS Department of Health, ECMC submitted a COVID-19 Surge Plan on 3/24/20 that includes how ECMC expanded to the required 50% critical care bed and ICU bed capacity increase, while also identifying how the institution could expand that capacity to 100%, if necessary. ECMC’s pandemic plan has been in place since 2005.
Early in March, ECMC established an organization-wide COVID-19 task force and command center operation to address the pandemic. The group has been coordinating emergency preparedness, response efforts, as well as daily communication with Federal, State and County agencies.
Visit ecmc.edu for more information on ECMC’s continuing COVID-19 response and service to our community.
Positive: 43 inpatients
PUI: 12 (in-house Patients Under Investigation)
Negative: 735 to date
Discharges: 40
Positive: 46
PUI: 0 (Patients Under Investigation)
Negative: 164 to date
Hospitalized: 0
Terrace View
Positive: 1 Patient, 7 Staff