ECMC Opens New, State-of-the-Art Center for Orthopaedic Care
New facility doubles number of exam rooms; improves patient safety and convenience
The Erie County Medical Center today dedicated its new, state of-the-art Center for Orthopaedic Care, which includes 14 spacious exam rooms (double what had existed previously) and new safety features and improved patient amenities designed to ensure a better overall patient experience. The new 6,900 square foot Center is nearly four times larger than the hospital’s former orthopaedic clinic, which opened in 1978.
In February 2015, members of ECMC’s Executive Leadership, Orthopaedics and Ambulatory Services finalized plans to do a complete overhaul of ECMC’s Orthopedic Clinic, moving it to a new location on the hospital’s first floor, emphasizing the goal of improving care for our patients. From 2000 to 2010, patient visits to the former Orthopaedic Clinic increased by approximately 46% and between 2010 and 2015, 57,262 patient visits occurred at that location.
Sharon L. Hanson, Chair, Erie County Medical Center Corporation (ECMCC) Board of Directors said, “Together with the Salvatore Orthopaedic Unit that opened last year, our new Center for Orthopaedic Care will bring the highest level of outpatient orthopaedic care to patients throughout Western New York. This new facility has nearly double the number of exam rooms and all corridors feature handrails for patient safety and convenience. The unit’s upgrades also include dedicated physician and nurse work areas and spacious registration and checkout areas for patient convenience, helping to ensure that our patients’ experience meets their expectations.”
Caregivers from Orthopaedics and Ambulatory Services collaborated on a Lean Six Sigma project dedicated to resolving various issues affecting their patients, including wait times, helping to design the new outpatient Center to improve service and enhance efficiency. Lean Six Sigma is a methodology that relies on a collaborative team effort to improve performance by systematically removing waste. The outcome is the new modern, state-of-the-art facility that replaces a cramped, outmoded inefficient space that did not meet the needs of patients, physicians, clinical caregivers or the important teaching of residents.
Thomas J. Quatroche, Jr., Ph.D., ECMC President and CEO said, “Patient experience is our highest priority and this new Center for Orthopaedic Care provides another demonstration of ECMC’s commitment to the highest possible healthcare for anyone who seeks our services. This new facility, combined with our inpatient Russell Salvatore Orthopaedic unit and the Ambulatory Surgery Center, provides Orthopaedic patients the best possible experience along the entire continuum of care. A positive patient experience and quality services are essential aspects of our overall delivery of healthcare services, which are reflected among the over 3,000 exceptional and skilled caregivers who everyday work to meet the needs of our patients.”
Dr. Philip Stegemann, Chief of ECMC Orthopaedics said, “ECMC is a special place, with dedicated caregivers, physicians, and now we have a beautiful new environment in this well-designed Center for Orthopaedic Care, which is conducive to healing for our patients. The patient has always been at the center of the care we deliver, and this new unit takes this level of commitment to our patients to another level. Our mission not only involves patient care, but also education. It’s an ideal space for teaching Orthopaedic Residents, medical students, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants.”
Other state-of-the-art features in the Center include in-room call and code systems, improved ventilation, widened doorways to accommodate varying sizes of wheelchairs and stretchers, and secure badge entry to clinical care areas. There is also a newly created pass-through to the Radiology Department, creating ease of access and improved throughput.
Demand for elective orthopedic surgical services has grown substantially, especially among patients who need total joint replacement. During the three-year period 2011 to 2013, ECMC’s total inpatient surgical volume consisted of 12,840 cases marked by substantial growth each year; i.e., a 7.5% increase from 2011 to 2013. Also for the three-year period, ECMC had 5,768 orthopedic cases (13.4% increase from 2011 to 2013) and 1,936 total joint procedures marked by a 60.4% increase from 2011 to 2013.
Over the past five years, growth in the following key areas at ECMC has occurred: Inpatient Discharges increased by 22 percent; Surgeries increased by 20 percent; Emergency Department visits increased by 16 percent; and Outpatient Visits recorded a 20 percent increase. Along with expanded clinical capabilities and an increase in services performed, ECMC has maintained a passionate commitment to the mission of high quality patient care and satisfaction.
ECMC opened the $12.5 million Russell J. Salvatore Orthopaedic Unit in 2015, the $35 million consolidated behavioral health center in 2014, the $103 million Terrace View Long-Term Care facility in 2013, and the $27 million Regional Center of Excellence for Transplantation & Kidney Care is 2012.
The new Center for Orthopaedic Care was designed by Kideney Architects PC and LPCiminelli was the project Construction Manager.

Joined by staff members and administrators as they prepare to cut ribbon during “ECMC Center for Orthopaedic Care” grand opening event (shown front row left to right) are: ECMC Orthopaedics chief of service Dr. Philip Stegemann; ECMC Corp. president & CEO Thomas Quatroche, PhD; ECMC Corp. board chair Sharon Hanson (with scissors); ECMC Corp. board vice chair Michael Seaman (second row); and ECMC Corp. board treasurer Bishop Michael Badger.

ECMC Corp. president & CEO Thomas J. Quatroche Jr., PhD, addresses audience during “ECMC Center for Orthopaedic Care” grand opening event.
ECMC Orthopaedics chief of service Dr. Philip Stegemann explains to those in attendance at the “ECMC Center for Orthopaedic Care” grand opening event how the “ECMC Center for Orthopaedic Care” became a reality.