Mobile Mammography Unit

To bring preventive and diagnostic care to every woman needing it, ECMC also offers the Mobile Mammography Unit for comprehensive breast care across Western New York—from the heart of downtown Buffalo to rural towns throughout our communities.

Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women, and one of the most treatable when detected early. Mammograms—x-rays of the breast—are the most effective screening procedure for the early signs of breast cancer.

Sponsored by The ECMC Foundation, Buffalo Bills and Western New York Breast Health – Dr. Vivian Lindfield, this mammogram program helps women and doctors detect breast cancer earlier, and has already brought life-saving breast treatment to many of our patients.

Features of the mobile mammography unit include:

  • Two state-of-the-art, full-field digital mammography systems
  • Fast, accurate images
  • Two certified mammography technologists to conduct your mammogram
  • Board certified radiologists to read results

A doctor’s prescription is necessary to receive a mammogram. If you don’t have a family doctor or medical insurance, we can help you through the process to make you sure you can receive your mammogram. In addition, if you need a ride, our program’s sponsors can provide transportation to a location in your neighborhood.

For more information, contact (716) 632-7465 or go to

The Mobile Mammography Unit Schedule

Check out the calendar below to find out the upcoming dates, times and locations nearest you.

Our Doctors

Meet our dedicated team of doctors and oncologists who bring the best of their comprehensive medical expertise to bear for our cancer and oncology patients.

Mark S. Burke, MD
Doctors, Cancer, Breast Oncology, Head and Neck Oncology, Oral Oncology and Maxillofacial Prosthetics, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Surgery
Thom R. Loree, MD, FACS
Doctors, Cancer, Breast Oncology, Head and Neck Oncology, Oral Oncology and Maxillofacial Prosthetics, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Surgery, Physician Leadership, Chiefs of Service
Chief of Department, Head and Neck Surgery and Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Jordan D. Frey, MD
Doctors, Cancer, Breast Oncology, Head and Neck Oncology, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Plastic Surgeon

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