Dr. Howard Sperry is a primary care physician at ECMC VIP Primary Care, where he sees patients with a wide variety of medical illnesses and health concerns. He also has expertise in general preventative health care and refers patients for diagnostic testing, imaging studies, and specialty care when necessary.
He has 30 years of experience in primary care and internal medicine, including tenures as Chairman of the Department of Medicine at St. Joseph Hospital, Catholic Health Care System and medical director of the Clarence Sheridan Medical Center in Williamsville.
In addition, Dr. Sperry is also Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. In this role, he has been a Clinical Preceptor for the past 25 years, responsible for teaching Internal Medicine to medical residents.
An author of a number of topics related to primary care, Dr. Howard Sperry has also been honored with numerous teaching awards. These include the 2005 Commendation for Teaching Excellence and the 2006 Robert S. Berkson, M.D. Memorial Award in the Art of Medicine, both from the State University of New York at Buffalo.
Dr. Sperry is also a Fellow of the American College of Physicians and has an MPH (Masters Degree in Public Health) in Medical Care Administration.
Areas of Expertise
Education & Training
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