Our Doctors

Ranjit Singh, MD, MBA  |  Family Medicine, ECMC Family Health Center

Dr. Ranjit Singh is a family medicine physician at ECMC Family Health Center.

In addition, as an associate professor, vice chair for research, and director of the patient safety research center at the State University of New York at Buffalo, his work focuses on putting patient safety at the heart of medical education and practice, drawn from diverse fields including systems and reliability theory, complexity science, and management science to create unique approaches to improving care.

His trans-disciplinary work, aimed at ensuring that biomedical research is translated effectively and safely into longer, healthier lives, is closely aligned with the University at Buffaloʻs 2020 ʻHealth and Wellness across the Life Spanʼ goal. His work also helps hospitals and ambulatory practices analyze existing healthcare macro- and micro-systems and to create and maintain systems that support current and new technologies and treatments to maximize health and wellness.

Dr. Ranjit Singh has won a number of awards for his work, including the Inpatient Faculty Teaching Award, the ECMC Excellence Award, and the Outstanding Service Award.

Areas of Expertise

  • Family medicine
  • Pediatrics

Education & Training

  • MBA, University at Buffalo, with distinction
  • Cert, Teambuilding, Cornell University
  • Residency, Family Medicine, University at Buffalo
  • MB BChir, Medicine, University of Cambridge
  • BA, Management Studies, University of Cambridge

Primary Care

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