ECMC President & CEO Tom Quatroche joined Hall of Fame Buffalo Bills quarterback Jim Kelly for the 32nd Annual Jim Kelly Celebrity Classic Gala

ECMC Statement Regarding Purchase of Kensington Heights Property

Erie County Medical Center Corporation’s interest in Kensington Heights property was made public a few months ago and we are pleased that this transaction is closed. Since becoming a Public Benefit Corporation in 2004, ECMC has experienced significant growth on our health campus and with the acquisition of this property, we look forward to returning it to productive use in our community.
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ECMC Director of Medical Staff Quality and Education Susan Ksiazek, RPh, Begins Term as NABP President

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]BUFFALO, NEW YORK - Erie County Medical Center (ECMC) Corporation director of medical staff quality and education Susan Ksiazek, RPh, began her term as president of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) during the Final Business Session of the Association's 114th Annual Meeting, May 5-8, 2018, in Denver, CO. Susan Ksiazek expressed her commitment to working with members to identify emerging issues and to focus on the long-range vision for the Association. Specifically, she stated her intention to ensure that NABP members continue to collaborate to ensure the Association can provide innovative tools and resources to support boards in their mission to protect public health.
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