ECMCC is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to provide best-in-class food and culinary services program to ECMCC hospital patients, residents of its Terrace View Long Term Care Facility, and its staff and other visitors. ECMCC’s primary purpose in seeking proposals is to improve the quality of services provided to its patients/residents and enhance the overall patient experience at ECMCC’s facilities. Significant consideration will be given to proposals which are able to best demonstrate an ability to improve the patient/resident experience, with a targeted satisfaction rate at or about the 70th percentile. ECMCC also seeks to reduce the operating expenses associated with the management and operations of ECMCC’s Food and Nutrition Services (FNS).
The RFP documents can now be downloaded by visiting ECMCC’s Procurement Portal at https://ecmc.bonfirehub.com/portal/?tab=openOpportunities