ECMCC is a covered entity as defined in Section 340B of the Federal Public Health Services Act, 42 USC 256b, and is eligible to purchase certain outpatient drugs at reduced prices for use by patients of ECMCC. ECMCC is registered as a Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) in the 340B program. ECMCC is seeking proposals from qualified respondents to provide optimization of its 340B Drug Pricing Program (“340B program”) which includes an in-depth annual audit of the organization’s 340B program along with additional services to include Referral Capture. The awarded respondent will review ECMCC policies, procedures and practices to ensure program integrity, compliance with record keeping requirements, patient eligibility and all other aspects of the program as established by HRSA and the 340B Program requirements (42 USC 256b(a)(5)(C)).
The RFP documents can now be downloaded by visiting ECMCC’s Procurement Portal at https://ecmc.bonfirehub.com/portal/?tab=openOpportunities