RFP 21612 Transcription Services
ECMCC is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to provide quality transcription services for our providers. ECMCC provides inpatient, trauma, outpatient, emergency, trauma and long term care services.
A mandatory pre-proposal conference is scheduled for Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 11 a.m. EST. This conference call can be accessed by dialing 1-855-241-2663, Conference ID 66990240. The purpose of this call is to provide an overview of the RFP and M/WBE requirements and permit respondents an opportunity to ask general RFP policy and procedures questions. Any content-specific questions however must be submitted in writing by Friday, October 28, 2016 to Sarina M. Rohloff at Srohloff@ecmc.edu. Participation in the pre-proposal conference call is a material requirement of this RFP. A “roll call” of potential respondents will be conducted at the end of the call. Proposals will only be accepted from respondents who participated in the pre-proposal conference call and confirmed attendance during the roll call. All other proposals will be deemed non-responsive and returned to sender unopened.
Download: RFP 21612 Transcription Services
Download: RFP 21612 Addendum
Download: RFP 21612 Vendor List