Erie County Medical Center Corporation (“ECMCC”), on behalf of its hospital and Terrace View Long-Term Care Facility, is seeking qualifications from qualified New York State licensed flooring vendors to provide flooring repairs, replacement and new installation services. The services will be provided on a project-by-project basis in an “on-call’ manner regular ongoing work at the ECMCC campus. ECMCC intends to create and maintain a pool of qualified applicants for these services through this process. Vendors qualified by ECMCC shall provide all labor, materials, and equipment required to complete the work. , including any related components required maintain a complete system. Applicants are not required to provide all services and may submit qualifications for all services requested or a portion thereof (i.e. Applicant specializes in terrazzo flooring rather than sheet flooring).
The RFP documents can now be downloaded by visiting ECMCC’s Procurement Portal at https://ecmc.bonfirehub.com/portal/?tab=openOpportunities