Our Staff

In addition to our Board of Directors, ECMC Foundation is led by a full-time professional staff who oversee our development efforts, operations and initiatives.

For additional information about the Foundation, inquiries for sponsorships, or questions about making a gift, please feel free to contact them at any time.

Julie Berrigan, MS
Executive Director

Phone: (716) 898-4478
Email: jberrigan@ecmc.edu

Stacy Roeder
Associate Executive Director

Phone: (716) 898-5881
Email: sroeder@ecmc.edu

Kathleen A. Gregoire
Administrative Director

Phone: (716) 898-3607
Email: kgregoire@ecmc.edu

Sharon M. Kulczyk
Director of Data Management

Phone: (716) 898-6606
Email: skulczyk@ecmc.edu

Pamela Brinkworth-Muzzio
Community Engagement Manager

Phone: (716) 898-6568
Email: pbrinkworth@ecmc.edu

Steven C. Wu
Senior Accountant

Phone: (716) 898-5559
Email: swu@ecmc.edu

Ryan Guerinot
Director of Corporate Partnerships

Phone: 716-898-1649
Email: rguerinot@ecmc.edu

For General Information:
ECMC Foundation (716) 898-5800
ECMC Foundation Fax (716-898-5783)

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