Page 19 - Nursing Scope Number 2
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Accomplishments Awards • Achievements
Employee of the Year
Congratulations to our Employee of the Year Michelle Seay, Congratulations to Linette L and Dr. Crane on being MS, FNP, ECMC’s Clinical Patient Care Liaison selected our physician and provider of the year!
Our Staff Recognized in the Community
Peggy and Donna were celebrated at Nurse Management
Peggy Cieri – Award
Peggy volunteered at the Subaru Run on July 14, 2017. While distributing water for the racers, she heard “man down.” Peggy ran to assist a young man who collapsed. She eventually performed CPR on the patient. A basic EMT crew came to the scene and Peggy utilized their de brillator to shock the patient and continue CPR until paramedics arrived. Paramedics were able to continue care and the young man had a return on spontaneous circulation. While paramedics were transporting the patient to Buffalo General Medical Center, Peggy reached
out to the crowd, found his parents and
drove them to the hospital. Peggy remained with his family and acted as their advocate until the physician came to speak to the family.
A Hero jumps into the fray with little thought of how their lives will be affected. A Hero puts their own professional integrity on the line in the hopes of saving others. A Hero remains with you when tragedy strikes and offers insight and compassion and leadership. Peggy has long been a Hero in the eyes of her patients, their families, and her co-workers here at ECMC.
Donna Gatti – Professional of the Year
Mental Health Association.
Donna was awarded Professional of the Year by the Mental Health Association. Donna has worked tirelessly as an advocate for the mental health patients including those who are cared for in CPEP.
“My spirit and passion for individuals and families who are challenged with mental illness can be further enhanced as part of The Mental Health Association. Promoting health and wellness, breaking the barriers of stigma, and offering hope drives this amazing organization.”
Thank you for your dedication and support of the Mental Health Community!