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  Nursing Legal News
“BSN in Ten” is now law in New York State.
Written by: Ben Stanford RN, BSN Unit Manager 10N
On December 19, 2017, Governor Andrew Cuomo signed Assembly bill 1842B into Law. This bill changes the educational requirements for professional registered nurse licensure in New York State. The law stipulates that RNs that enter into practice with an associate’s degree or a diploma will have ten years to obtain a BSN or face license suspension. The passage of this law makes New York State one of the  rst states in the country to implement a major change that requires RNs to obtain a BSN.
Q. What does this mean to me?
A. If you are currently a licensed RN without a BSN, you will not be required to obtain your BSN to keep your license. The law impacts RNs that will be receiving their initial license 18 months after the law was signed.
Q. Why was this law passed?
A. The American Nurses Association has been advocating for the BSN for over half a century. With the American health care system continuously evolving and becoming more complex, RNs are  nding themselves in positions where higher education is required.
Q. Should I get a BSN?
A. Yes! Aside from the immense pride that you’ll have after obtaining your BSN, the BSN opens many opportunities and demonstrates a commitment to the profession.
Staffing Office Move
The Staf ng Of ce moved their of ce on January 24. If you have not had the chance stop down and visit! What will you  nd in the staf ng of ce? Unit overtime books, deviations, Staf ng Clerks, NCC’s.
Thanks to all who played a role in the move!
The Bottom Line-
Even if you are unaffected by the new law, you may want to consider the impacts that this law will have on your career in the future. While your license will never be directly impacted, ten or twenty years from now, almost all nurses in NYS will have already obtained or be actively working on obtaining there BSN. Our profession is changing rapidly, and the BSN will eventually be the new normal.
To read more about the Bill, visit:

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